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  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  2. 1  And I saw a new heaven and a       Isaiah 65:17-18 For, behold, I          II Peter 3:13 Nevertheless we, accor-   New creation: Let us compare the new                                            /
  3. new earth: for the first heaven          create new heavens and a new            ding to his promise, look for new       creation to that of Genesis.                                                 /
  4. and the first earth were passed          earth: and the former shall             heavens and a new earth, wherein         Due to the multitude of off-                                                /
  5. away; and there was no more sea.         not be remembered, nor come             dwelleth righteousness.                 spring of Adam and Eve the new                                               /
  6. 2  And I John saw the holy city,         into mind.                           Galatians 4:26 But Jerusalem which is      creation must contain many dwelling                                          /
  7. new Jerusalem, coming down from           But be ye glad and rejoice             above is free, which is the mother      places for those who have accepted                                           /
  8. God out of heaven, prepared as a         for ever in that which I                of us all.                              the authority of the Lamb and there-                                         /
  9. bride adorned for her husband.           create: for, behold, I create        Hebrews 11:10 For he looked for a          fore are awarded a "mansion" in the                                          /
  10.                                          Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her          city which hath foundations, whose      the "new Jerusalem" and not just in                                          /
  11.                                          people a joy.                           builder and maker is God.               a garden.  A special creation that                                           /
  12. 3  And I heard a great voice out      Ezekiel 43:4,7 And the glory of         II Corinthians 6:16&18 And what agre-      the Lamb prepared for his bride, the                                         /
  13. of heaven saying, Behold, the            the Lord came into the house            ement hath the temple of God with       believers, a creation which he                                               /
  14. tabernacle of God is with men,           by the way of the gate whose            idols? for ye are the temple of         prepared in heaven.                                                          /
  15. and he will dwell with them, and         prospect is toward the east.            the living God; as God hath said,        The city is watered from the throne                                         /
  16. they shall be his people, and God         And he said unto me, son of            I will dwell in them, and walk in       of God with a water of life instead                                          /
  17. himself shall be with them, and be       man, the place of my throne,            them; and I will be their God,          of a river out of Eden that parted                                           /
  18. their God.                               and the place of the soles of           and they shall be my people.            into four heads.                                                             /
  19.                                          my feet, where I will dwell in           And I will be a Father unto you,        Death, pain and sorrow began in the                                         /
  20.                                          the midst of the children of            and ye shall be my sons and             garden of Eden when man followed the                                         /
  21.                                          Israel for ever, and my holy            daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.     deception of satan and he was re-                                            /
  22.                                          name, shall the house of Israel      Philippians 3:20-21 ...we look for the     moved access to the tree of life.                                            /
  23.                                          no more defile, neither they,           Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:         In the new creation man once more                                            /
  24.                                          nor their kings, by their                Who shall change our vile body,        has access to the tree of life and                                           /
  25.                                          whoredom, nor by the carcasses          that it may be fashioned like unto      there is no more pain, sorrow and                                            /
  26.                                          of their kings in their high            his glorious body,...he is able         death. The curse caused by the fall                                          /
  27.                                          places.                                 even to subdue all things...            has been removed and satan has been                                          /
  28. 4  And God shall wipe away all        Isaiah 65:19,23 And I will rejoice      I Corinthians 15:24-26 Then cometh the     banished to the "lake of fire" for                                           /
  29. tears from their eyes; and there         in Jerusalem, and joy in my             end, when he shall have delivered       ever.                                                                        /
  30. shall be no more death, neither          people: and the voice of weep-          up the kingdom to God, even the          As fallen man could not reside in                                           /
  31. sorrow, nor crying, neither shall        ing shall be no more heard in           Father, when he shall put down all      the garden of Eden, also fallen man                                          /
  32. there be any more pain: for the          her, nor the voice of crying.           rule, and all authority and power.      is not allowed to set foot in the                                            /
  33. former things are passed away.            They shall not labor in vain,           For he must reign, till he hath        "New Jerusalem" instead all the                                              /
  34.                                          nor bring forth for trouble;            put all enemies under his feet.         followers of satan's deception are                                           /
  35.                                          for they are the seed of the             The last enemy that shall be           banished to the "lake of fire", the                                          /
  36.                                          blessed of the Lord, and their          destroyed is death.                     unjust and the filthy will no                                                /
  37.                                          offspring with them.                 II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any       longer be afforded the chance of                                             /
  38. 5  And he that sat upon the throne    Isaiah 43:18-19 Remember ye not            man be in Christ, he is a new           becoming followers of the Lamb.                                              /
  39. said, Behold, I make all things          the former things, neither              creature: old things are passed         The residents of the new creation                                            /
  40. new. And he said unto me, Write:         consider the things of old.             away; behold, all things are            are only the righteous and holy                                              /
  41. for these words are true and              Behold, I will do a new thing;         become new.                             who have been washed in the blood                                            /
  42. faithful.                                now it shall spring forth;           I Peter 1:25 But the word of the Lord      of the Lamb.  The gates of the                                               /
  43.                                          shall ye not know it? I will            endureth for ever. And this is the      the new city can stay open for                                               /
  44.                                          even make a way in the wilder-          word which by the gospel is             ever since there is no longer                                                /
  45.                                          ness, and rivers in the desert.         preached unto you.                      a spirit of darkness to shut out.                                            /
  46. 6  And he said unto me, It is done.   Isaiah 12:3 Therefore with joy          John 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of         After the separation, God again                                             /
  47. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning      shall ye draw water out of the          the water that I shall give him         resides with man.  Following the                                             /
  48. and the end. I will give unto him        wells of salvation.                     shall never thirst; but the water       separation man could not look upon                                           /
  49. that is athirst of the fountain of    Zechariah 14:8 And it shall be in          that I shall give him shall be in       God and live, but in the new bodies                                          /
  50. the water of life freely.                that day, that living waters            him a well of water springing up        of the new creation he can look                                              /
  51.                                          shall go out from Jerusalem:..          into everlasting life.                  upon his face and rejoice.                                                   /
  52. 7  He that overcometh shall inherit   Zechariah 8:8 And I will bring          I John 5:4-5 For whatsoever is born         The day and night that existed in                                           /
  53. all things; and I will be his God,       them, and they shall dwell in           of God overcometh the world: and        Eden have been done away with as                                             /
  54. and he shall be my son.                  the midst of Jerusalem: and             this is the victory that over-          darkness is no longer allowed and                                            /
  55.                                          they shall be my people, and I          cometh the world, even our faith.       God is the light of the new creation.                                        /
  56.                                          will be their God, in truth              Who is he that overcometh the                                                                                       /
  57.                                          and in righteousness.                   world, but he that believeth         The 12 tribes:  The new city honors the                                         /
  58. 8  But the fearful, and unbeliev-     Malachi 3:5 And I will come near           that Jesus is the Son of God?           first wife of God, the unfaithful                                            /
  59. ing, and the abominable, and             to you to judgment; and I            I Corinthians 6:9-11 Know ye not           Israelites, since the number twelve                                          /
  60. murderers, and whoremongers, and         will be a swift witness against         that the unrighteous shall not          is important to its design.                                                  /
  61. sorcerers, and idolaters, and all        the sorcerers, and against the          inherit the kingdom of God? Be                                                                                       /
  62. liars, shall have their part in the      adulterers, and against false           not deceived: neither fornicators,       "twelve gates and at the gates                                              /
  63. lake which burneth with fire and         swearers, and against those             nor idolaters, nor adulterers,            twelve angels"                                                             /
  64. brimstone: which is the second           that oppress the hireling in            nor effeminate, nor abusers of                                                                                       /
  65. death.                                   his wages, the widow, and the           themselves with mankind,                 "written thereon, which are the                                             /
  66. 9  And there came unto me one of         fatherless, and that turn                Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor           names of the twelve tribes"                                                /
  67. the seven angels which had the           aside the stranger from his             drunkards, nor revilers, nor                                                                                         /
  68. seven vials full of the seven last       right, and fear not me, saith           extortioners, shall inherit the          "twelve thousand furlongs"                                                  /
  69. plagues, and talked with me,             the Lord of hosts.                      kingdom of God.                           (approximately 1500 miles)                                                 /
  70. saying, Come hither, I will show                                                  And such were some of you: but                                                                                      /
  71. thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.                                                 ye are washed, but ye are sanc-          "the wall thereof, a hundred                                                /
  72. 10 And he carried me away in the      Ezekiel 40:2 In the visions of             tified, but ye are justified in           and forty and four cubits"                                                 /
  73. spirit to a great and high moun          God brought he me into the              the name of the Lord Jesus, and           (144 is 12 times 12)                                                       /
  74. -tain, and showed me that great          land of Israel, and set me              by the Spirit of our God.                                                                                            /
  75. city, the holy Jerusalem, descen-        upon a very high mountain,                                                        a foundation of 12 "precious                                               /
  76. ding out of heaven from God,             by which was as the frame of                                                      stones""in them the names of                                               /
  77.                                          of a city on the south.                                                           the twelve apostles"                                                       /
  78. 11 Having the glory of God: and       Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy                                                    (on the chief priest's breast                                              /
  79. her light was like unto a stone          light is come, and the glory                                                       plate the tribes were symbol-                                             /
  80. most precious, even like a jasper        of the Lord is risen upon thee.      Hebrews 12:22-24 But ye are come unto         ized by 12 precious stones)                                               /
  81. stone, clear as crystal;                                                         mount Zion, and unto the city of                                                                                     /
  82. 12 And had a wall great and high,     Ezekiel 48:31 And the gates of             the living God, the heavenly            "twelve gates were twelve pearls"                                            /
  83. and had twelve gates, and at the         the city shall be after the             Jerusalem, and to an innumerable                                                                                     /
  84. gates twelve angels, and names           names of the tribes of Israel:          company of angels,                       The inhabitants are mostly from                                             /
  85. written thereon, which are the                                                    To the general assembly and            the nations, the gentiles, however                                           /
  86. names of the twelve tribes of the                                                church of the firstborn, which          let us not forget the faithful                                               /
  87. children of Israel:                      ..east..Joseph..Benjamin..Dan           are written in heaven, and to God       144,000 and many more from the                                               /
  88. 13 On the east three gates; on the       ..north..Reuben..Judah..Levi            the Judge of all, and to the            twelve tribes.   Many of the                                                 /
  89. north three gates; on the south          ..south..Simeon..Issachar..             spirits of just men made perfect.       inhabitants of the "new Jerusalem"                                           /
  90. three gates; and on the west three                Zebulun                         And to Jesus the mediator of the       will indeed be Israelites.                                                   /
  91. gates.                                   ..west..Gad..Asher..Naphtali            new covenant, and to the blood of                                                                                    /
  92. 14 And the wall of the city had                                                  sprinkling, ....                     "measure the city"  We wish we could                                            /
  93. twelve foundations, and in them                                               Ephesians 2:20-22 And are built upon       have a full understanding of the                                             /
  94. the names of the twelve apostles                                                 the foundation of the apostles and      true size and beauty of the "new                                             /
  95. of the Lamb.                                                                     prophets, Jesus Christ himself          Jerusalem" but our understanding                                             /
  96. 15 And he that talked with me had     Zechariah 2:1-2 I lifted up mine           being the chief corner stone;           falls far short.  Obviously this                                             /
  97. a golden reed to measure the city,       eyes again, and looked, and              In whom all the building fitly         is something that must be seen                                               /
  98. and the gates thereof, and the wall      behold a man with a measuring           framed together groweth unto a holy     to be comprehended.  A place where                                           /
  99. thereof.                                 line in his hand.                       temple in the Lord:                     jewels and metals that many men                                              /
  100.                                           Then said I, Whither goest              In whom ye also are builded to-        hold to be valuable are nothing                                              /
  101.                                          thou? And he said unto me, To           gether for a habitation of God          but common building materials.                                               /
  102.                                          measure Jerusalem, to see what          through the Spirit.                     But this is not the true measure                                             /
  103.                                          is the breadth thereof, and                                                     of the beauty of the holy city,                                              /
  104.                                          what is the length thereof.                                                     the true beauty is the fact that                                             /
  105. 16 And the city lieth foursquare,                                                                                        God once again lives with man and                                            /
  106. and the length is as large as the                                                                                        the peace and harmony of Eden                                                /
  107. breadth: and he measured the city                                                                                        before the fall has returned.                                                /
  108. with the reed, twelve thousand                                                                                        Isaiah 65:18-19&23-25 "But be ye glad                                           /
  109. furlongs. The length and the                                                                                             and rejoice for ever in that which                                           /
  110. breadth and the height of it are                                                                                         I create: for, behold, I create                                              /
  111. equal.                                                                                                                   Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her                                               /
  112. 17 And he measured the wall there-                                                                                       people a joy.                                                                /
  113. of, a hundred and forty and four                                                                                          And I will rejoice in Jerusalem                                             /
  114. cubits, according to the measure                                                                                         and joy in my people: and the                                                /
  115. of a man, that is, of the angel.                                                                                         voice of weeping shall be no more                                            /
  116. 18 And the building of the wall of    Isaiah 54:11-12 O thou afflicted,                                                  heard in her, nor the voice of                                               /
  117. it was of jasper: and the city was       tossed with tempest, and not                                                    crying.                                                                      /
  118. pure gold, like unto clear glass.        comforted, behold, I will lay                                                    They shall not labour in vain,                                              /
  119. 19 And the foundations of the wall       thy stones with fair colours,                                                   nor bring forth for trouble; for                                             /
  120. of the city were garnished with          and lay thy foundations with                                                    they are the seed of the blessed                                             /
  121. all manner of precious stones.           sapphires.                                                                      of the Lord, and their offspring                                             /
  122. The first foundation was jasper;          And I will make thy windows                                                    with them.                                                                   /
  123. the second, sapphire; the third, a       of agates, and thy gates of                                                      And it shall come to pass, that                                             /
  124. chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;      carbuncles, and all thy borders                                                 before they call, I will answer;                                             /
  125. 20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth,       of pleasant stones.                                                             and while they are yet speaking,                                             /
  126. sardius; the seventh, chysolite;                                                                                         I will hear.                                                                 /
  127. the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a                                                                                           The wolf and the Lamb shall feed                                            /
  128. topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus;                                                                                        together, and the lion shall eat                                             /
  129. the eleventh, a jacinth; the                                                                                             straw like the bullock: and dust                                             /
  130. twelfth, an amethyst.                                                                                                    shall be the serpent's meat. They                                            /
  131. 21 And the twelve gates were twelve                                                                                      shall not hurt nor destroy in all                                            /
  132. pearls; every several gate was of                                                                                        my holy mountain, saith the Lord."                                           /
  133. one pearl: and the street of the                                                                                                                                                                      /
  134. city was pure gold, as it were                                                                                        "No temple therein": Man has always                                             /
  135. transparent glass.                                                                                                       seemed to had a desire to build                                              /
  136. 22 And I saw no temple therein:                                               Matthew 12:6 But I say unto you,           large and beautiful edifices to                                              /
  137. for the Lord God Almighty and the                                                That in this place is one greater       honor his gods or other men that                                             /
  138. Lamb are the temple of it.                                                       than the temple.                        they worship and adore.  But when                                            /
  139. 23 And the city had no need of the    Isaiah 60:19-21 The sun shall be        I John 1:5-7 This then is the message      the thing that you adore is going                                            /
  140. sun, neither of the moon, to shine       no more thy light by day;               which we have heard of him, and         to be with you for ever, there                                               /
  141. in it: for the glory of God did          neither for brightness shall            declare unto you, that God is           will no longer be a need to                                                  /
  142. lighten it, and the Lamb is the          the moon give light unto thee:          light, and in him is no darkness        build shrines and temples.  Even                                             /
  143. light thereof.                           but the Lord shall be unto thee         at all.                                 the Lord in past history has                                                 /
  144.                                          an everlasting light, and thy            If we say that we have fellow-         recognized this need of man and                                              /
  145.                                          God thy glory.                          ship with him, and walk in dark-        directed that he build such earthly                                          /
  146.                                           The sun shall no more go down;         ness, we lie, and do not the            temples as a reminder, as a place                                            /
  147.                                          neither shall thy moon withdraw         truth:                                  to focus man's attention on the                                              /
  148.                                          itself: for the Lord shall be            But if we walk in the light, as        true object of worship. This will                                            /
  149.                                          thine everlasting light, and            he is in the light, we have             no longer be necessary.                                                      /
  150.                                          the days of thy mourning shall          fellowship one with another, and                                                                                     /
  151.                                          be ended.                               the blood of Jesus Christ his Son    No need of the sun: Man on this earth                                           /
  152.                                           Thy people also shall be all           cleanseth us from all sin.              is presently trapped on a planet                                             /
  153.                                          righteous: they shall inherit                                                   that is basically a slave to the                                             /
  154.                                          the land for ever, the branch                                                   whims of our sun.  When the rays of                                          /
  155.                                          of my planting, the work of my                                                  the sun are coming straight down                                             /
  156.                                          hands, that I may be glorified.                                                 often man must suffer from too much                                          /
  157. 24 And the nations of them which      Zechariah 14:16 And it shall come       John 4:23-24 But the hour cometh, and      heat. When the rays are at a large                                           /
  158. are saved shall walk in the light        to pass, that every one that is         now is, when the true worshippers       angle man suffers from freezing cold.                                        /
  159. of it: and the kings of the earth        left of all the nations which           shall worship the Father in spirit      If the clouds block the sun for a                                            /
  160. do bring their glory and honour          came against Jerusalem shall            and in truth: for the Father            long period, the plant kingdom that                                          /
  161. into it.                                 even go up from year to year            seeketh such to worship him.            we depend upon for food stops                                                /
  162.                                          to worship the King, the                 God is a Spirit: and they that         growing. The heat of the sun evapo-                                          /
  163.                                          Lord of hosts, and to keep the          worship him must worship him in         rating water puts moisture in the                                            /
  164.                                          feast of tabernacles.                   spirit and in truth.                    air that forms clouds and from them                                          /
  165. 25 And the gates of it shall not      Isaiah 60:11 Therefore thy gates        Matthew 25:31-34 When the Son of man       comes our life giving fresh water                                            /
  166. be shut at all by day: for there         shall be open continually; they         shall come in his glory, and all        that gives life to this planet or                                            /
  167. shall be no night there.                 shall not be shut day nor night;        the holy angels with him, then          provides killer storms.  All of this                                         /
  168. 26 And they shall bring the glory     Isaiah 60:3 And the Gentiles shall         shall he sit upon the throne of         extreme environment is part of the                                           /
  169. and honour of the nations into it.       come to thy light, and kings to         his glory:                              curse that will cease to exist.  For                                         /
  170.                                          the brightness of thy rising.            And before him shall be gathered       indeed there could be no life on                                             /
  171. 27 And there shall in no wise enter   Isaiah 60:18 Violence shall no             nations: and he shall separate          this planet without light.  On the                                           /
  172. into it any thing that defileth,         more be heard in thy land,              them one from another, as a             new world all life will be covered                                           /
  173. neither whatsoever worketh abomina-      wasting nor destruction within          shepherd divideth his sheep from        and nourished in the light of love,                                          /
  174. tion, or maketh a lie: but they          thy borders; but thou shalt             the goats:                              the "glory of God" and the light of                                          /
  175. which are written in the Lamb's          call thy walls Salvation, and            And he shall set the sheep on his      "the Lamb".  And only those whose                                            /
  176. book of life.                            thy gates Praise.                       right hand, but the goats on the        name is "written in the Lamb's book                                          /
  177.                                                                                  left.                                   of life" will be present and "shall                                          /
  178.                                                                                   Then shall the King say unto them      walk in the light of it".                                                    /
  179.                                                                                  on his right hand, Come, ye blessed                                                                                  /
  180.                                                                                  of my Father, inherit the kingdom                                                                                    /
  181.                                                                                  prepared for you from the found-                                                                                     /
  182.                                                                                  ation of the world:                                                                                                  /
  183.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
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